Mergers & Acquisitions
Insightful Analysis. Out of the box thinking.
M&A services include:
- Sell-Side Advisory
- Buy-Side Advisory
Typical situations include:
- Retiring Business Owner with No Succession Plan
- High Growth Companies Seeking a Financial Partner
- Shareholder Dispute
- Marital Divorce
- Corporate Carve-Out
Whether our client is a family business looking to harvest the value of its hard work or an entrepreneur looking to make acquisitions to grow his or her business, Calabasas Capital is uniquely qualified to turn this vision into a reality.
We view Mergers and Acquisitions as highly individualized processes that must be specifically tailored to both the emotional and business needs of the clients involved. No two M&A deals are the same, so each requires insightful analysis and out of the box thinking to help the client arrive at a recommendation that will specifically fulfill its needs. At Calabasas Capital, there are no cookie cutter approaches.
Throughout the major milestones in the M&A process – the Decision to Sell, Preparing an Offering Memorandum, Marketing the Deal and Closing the Transaction, Calabasas Capital differentiates itself by providing the following value added services:
- Senior Level Offering Memorandum Creation
- Personalized Experience for Prospective Buyers
- Weekly Updates to Shareholders
- Work Closely with Management to prep for Management Presentations